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Why Acai berry?

Posted by DuniaAnakku

Why Acai berry as a diet supplement? What are the contents of Acai berry that makes it so popular worldwide? Let's have a look at what are there in Acai berry....

Acai berry fruit pulp contains a very high antioxidant property; and is even more than cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry or strawberry, grapes or promeganate (delima). The powerful antioxidants found in Acai berry do not only protect cells from damages caused by toxins or free radicals circulating in our body, but could also be linked to a reduced risk of inflammation and blood clotting, as well as protection from obesity and diabetes. Researches into the potential benefits of these antioxidants are still continuing though.

The fatty acid content in Acai berry resembles that of olive oil in that Acai berry contains a synergy of monounsaturated fats (that is the healthy fat needed by our our body), as well as dietary fiber and phytosterols; substances that are associated in promoting cardiovascular and digestive health.

Acai berry contains Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9; the three Omegas that are known to lower the bad cholesterol and maintain the good cholesterol.

Acai berry possesses an almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals.

Acai berry is naturally low in sugar, which is a good news to those concern with their blood glucose level.

Though Acai berry contains all these great nutirents perfect for our body, it should be stressed that Acai berry should be regarded as a dietary supplement to protect or maintain our health. Despite being nutririous and have the great potential in restoring our health, Acai berry is not a treatment or a cure for any disease. Thus, if you suffer from any illness, your doctor or health care advise should always be sought after.


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What are the reason(s) you are taking/interested in Acai berry?

"Acai berry may be very new in Malaysia, and just like many people, I was sceptic about Acai berry at first. With all the claims on Acai berry, Acai berry just sounds too good to be true.

Out of curiosity, I did my own homework on Acai berry and in fact decided to try one. What was my conclusion?

Acai berry is indeed a great nutritional supplement - one of the best I've ever tried! But beware of the many exagerated claims and Acai berry scams. Acai berry may not turn out to be what you are expecting if you are not careful enough.

Avoid falling to these scams and exagerated claims. Knowing what Acai berry can help is a crucial step in enjoying your Acai berry."

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